Meet the Directors

Karline Henry, Clinical and Residential Services Director
Karline Henry joined CRC in 2019 as Director of Clinical and Residential Services. Ms. Henry has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Queens College, and a master’s in disability studies from the CUNY School of Professional Studies.
Ms. Henry began working with individuals with intellectual disabilities in 1987 as an outreach coordinator for Haitian American United for Progress. From 1990–1992, she worked in early intervention with NYC Board of Education, and then joined the Department of Health (DOH) providing public housing assistance and other services to individuals with HIV and developmental disabilities. Following her tenure with the DOH, she spent 25 years at the Association for the Advancement of the Blind and Retarded, (AABR), working as a comprehensive medicaid case manager, residential habilitation coordinator, assistant director of family services, and finally, as director of family services. Before joining CRC, Ms. Henry worked as the director of Able Healthcare- Queens Branch. She has also served as co-chair of the MSC committee and of the family and community support committee of the Queens Developmental Disabilities Council. Ms. Henry has dedicated her life to making a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities, and providing them with the best possible care.

E. Ann Maccarone, Social Services Director
E. Ann Maccarone has belonged to the CRC family for 29 years. Social services director since 1999, Ms. Maccarone coordinates and maintains benefits and entitlements for all individuals. She keeps abreast of regulations to promote person-centered planning and access to available services through the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and the New York State Office of Mental Health. She coordinates residential admissions and discharges, works closely with self-advocates (individuals with developmental disabilities who make their own services choices and sign their own consent forms) and families, and oversees correspondences about consent, guardianship and succession/future planning. She also participates in new residential [IRA] development, and is a primary liaison with the families.
Ms. Maccarone earned her bachelor’s in social work from Arizona State University, a graduate certificate in transition planning from New York Medical College's Graduate School of Health Services, along with multiple professional certificates from Hunter College, The New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies, New York State Department of Health, American Medical Association, National Association of Social Workers and OPWDD.